Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just have faith...and leave the rest to God

I was reminded that you should have strong faith in all that you undertake, and the things that you can't really get a grasp on, you should leave up to God. It is a amazing experience to see things come to fruition. I got to meet Wynton and ride in his limo to the concert, I was able to chill and talk to everyone in the Lincoln Center trumpet section. I hung out backstage and breifly talk with Ryan Kisor and Marcus Printup. Can you believe that all this happened? What is actually more unbelievable is the fact that these people are really, really nice. Eventhough this is ...jazz ( Not as commercial successful $$ as Rock or Pop) ....there are some musicians that have their ass on their shoulders for you to kiss, but these giants in the big band scene did not. They were all very low-key and humble. It was awe inspiring to see that. I really appreciated the fact that these people were so cordial and that they seemed... to atleast be interested in what I had to say or answer the questions that I had for them.

"Today....I go to jail ....and there is not turning back"....ooppps, my bad I have been watching the commercials for Lil Kim's show Project Lockdown on BET too much. On the serious tip though, I will be able to chill with Printup, Kisor, Gardner, etc...who knows, but it is a possibility. Amazing what happens when you just have faith...and leave the rest to God. I say that one day I would be able to sit and talk to these very people. I always dreamed it and wanted ti tfor myself. Now a days....I think more along the lines that I will play with these people on a album to be discussed at a later date....??? LOL.

God is amazing, when you count him out ...funny thing....HE never....counts you out. I am not saying that I am on my way to fast fame nor riches, but I do believe that having faith and doing the works that should support that faith, is very important in making things happen in your life. Life is wonderful and I don't believe that I would change a thing, even in the dark times when I thought all was lost. I would never go back and change a thing, because I would not be the man I am today. I like who I am and want to continue in this vein of discovery God has led me on. I believe that I'm about to strike Gold...Gold ...I tell you. LOL.

So, with all that said. Keep our eyes open for pictures of me taking a lesson or hanging out with the LCJO. Peace and definitely ...GOD Bless!

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