Monday, March 27, 2006


I just remembered my password for this blogg. I feel so bad that I have missed out on commenting about so many things as of late. I feel like my opinion so be heard and that the public need sto know the truth.....LOL! Right, I'm some sort of authority on the world. I do however know that I had a great time in CHICAGO when I went in February! Chicago was the bomb and I really enjoyed thier food, and suffice to say I gotta graduate gig out of my visit.

During my visit I went to NIU- Northern Illinois University and took a graduate audition with Mr. Art Davis and Mr. Ron Carter. They both showed me mad love and I hope they know that I appreciate all of the help they are giving me. I was digging the scene and hopefully impressed enough people. I want to go there to the small town of Dekalb, IL in the middle of that corn field and learn all I can about jazz and music on a whole. I will be studying Musicology/jazz studies, which everyone has asked me several times what it is several times; Musicology is defined as "the study of music as a branch of knowledge or field of research as distinct from composition or performance."

While in Illinois I got a chance and some free time ...,I planned it though, to go into the heart of the city, belly of the beast, and hangout. I had a great time and I really didn't expect it. I have travelled some but not enough to expect CHICAGO to be so clean and the people so hospitable. I love the studiousness of the NIU campus, but I loved the even more the urban/cosmopolitan aire of the city. I went out with new found friends and lived it up for two days. I had some pictures of this place called LEM'S that had a sausage dog that was off the chain. They called it a Hot-Link,... I think. LOL! It was hot all right and spicy, but ...really good.

I hope you enjoyed this and hit my blogg up sometime. Holler at you sometime soon. Peace!


Anonymous said... were in Chicago! Too bad I didn't know you were coming ahead of time! This is Jessie Rz from are you doing?? It has been ages!

jsheel said...

Hey... yo....Jessie! I am so glad that you decided to check out my blog I was so happy to hear from you. It has been awhile since we last emailed, called, etc... I hope all is well. I will be taking graduate courses this summer at NIU. I hope we run into each other. It would be nice! Peace!