Monday, September 19, 2005

Katrina & Kanye

I watched all the media about the storm and the heavy reprocussions that were felt throughout the region. From Alabama to Mississippi, and especially Louisiana. It was a terrible time that only has begun to unfold. My prayers go out to the people of the region. With that said here I go.

Now I must make comment about what Kanye said on national TV. The shit was hillarious. I don't believe that there was anything wrong with what he said unless he was just saying it for publicity sake. I doubt he would need that either since he was and still is on the top of the Billboard and Pop charts for his record and single. So, why would he say such a thing? "George Bush doesn't like Black People...blink blink!" I know why, because like most minorities he knows that the situation no matter who fuked up the most( cough, cough.... FEMA) was the dumbest error in American History. I can speak about many times when the American people have been a little shady with support to the president, but at this present time they aint wrong son. Even white people think George really might be stupid as hell. The reality, in my opinion, is that he doesn't have a issue with black or white, but rather with the poor and the rich. He only sees the green. Money Green! The man was a C student for God sake.

People have been jumping on Kanye's back like he said forget Jesus, I like Ossama, or Hitler was right or something. He, as a proud American spoke on the basis of freedom of speech. He felt that the president/ powers that be might have a bais against the area since it was mainly inhabited by people of color. He spoke up on national tv. So,....and? He stood on his two feet and said what I remind you many people have been saying for awhile. Instead of hiding it, he spoke on it. I actually laughed my ass off for about 10 minutes. Then I thought he sure messed up by speaking his mind. I then retracted this statement and thought that he was rather brave no matter how dead on or misdirected the comment might be. That took guts. The reality here is that the vast majority of American citizens are below the poverty line or barely cutting the mustard. I don't see him having a conference about the bad state of affairs that the economy is currently in. He is heading into his second yer of his second term. Jesus ,George.... can you get your shit together? Gas went from 2.65 in most places to 4 and up in a matter of 45 minutes the day following the aftermath. It was rather odd that the prices are falling now, after the fact that companies reported the oil and pipeline to be ok the whole freaking has taken two weeks for the price to fall back. It all is kind of crazy.

I don't advocate everyone going on the corner and saying what ever your political views are, but I do advocate speaking your mine when the chance arises. Never stifle your voice. Just pick opportune times to do so. Kanye had the best yet. Most people might be jealous of the fact that the young man never flintched in the face of American popular opinon. A matter of fact, despite what the media tried to do as far as turn it around, Kanye is actually enjoying more stardom due to this and adoration from a new group of people. They might actually see this young man for the intelligent and brave persn that he is. Instead of the rapper they thought him only to be.

Hurricanes suck, trust me. Florida has known this for decades. it is also surprising thatno one knows that Jeb Bush allowed people in south west florida to go for 3 consecutive days last year without any aid following the wake of several consecutive hurricanes that hit the area. Maybe it is a family triat to be cold and heartless to the naitons needs. Maybe we should go to the governement about our concerns. Oh that's right ....they are the governement. Senators and Congress people get off your asses. Get our people out of Iraq!

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