Thursday, June 22, 2006

Clearly ..I ...ain't in Kansas anymore!

I write this to say, I finally realized the other day that I was kansas anymore! This statement is just a declarative one...not a rant, but more of a exclamation mark with words attached! It is very clear to me, that my going to graduate school is not only going to just be a academic exercise, but also a social experiment in my intergration. I have never been this far removed from my people. Let me first and foremost explain to you whom my people are. I am African-American, but I mean that phrase in more of a overall southern/south florida way. As we all know, south florida is the melting pot of the south. We, have every race, nationality, and sexuality imaginable. So, when I say ..."Dorothy....we ain't in kansas no more..." I really meant I was in a totally different social demographic. I am the only black in my Graduate music classes this summer and probably will be one of a few in the fall and spring. ore over I am the only non-married non-educator in the group. yet this things do not segregate me from them, but rather them from me. I feel a little out of place, but this too shall pass! I offer up a prayer and take a deep exhale to clear my lungs.

I digress, is just different up here in the land that Lincoln made! That is great in so many ways and bad in others. I like the fact that I am different. I think that difference has made me grow to like being a southerner even more than before. In comparison to the speech of many people I have met thus far, my southern vernacular is melodic. I find that many of my black sisters and brothers are a little standoffish and that the my caucasian brothers and sister are more apt to start a dialog with me. This is the absolute opposite of the racial dynamic where I come from. Clearly I aint in Kansas no more! LOL! This will make, experience focused and allow me the clarity to learn what my strengths and weaknesses are. Cypher what my path should be and how to get there efficiently. Kansas, like all mental distinations are only a hop, skip, and a daydream away. I will forever have home, but now it is time to seek new dreams and new experiences to build my fantasys on. I must capture ideas that are sound and interesting, above all resting on the foundation of reality. Music is my love and passion. I pray that this situation give me the ability to facilitate my develop in music education, and my own independent musicianship to prosper!


(were my signature would be)

Jarritt A. Sheel

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