Saturday, January 10, 2009

Government Bail-Out of the Economy


I never thought I would live to see another great recession which may or may not lead to another depression in the economy of the United States of America. I also thought I might not live to see person of mixed heritage, yes he is African (Kenyan) and Caucasian, become the 44th president of the U.S. of A., but it happened! The world is this very unpredictable place and who knows what can happen at any given time or place.  

What is money? The money we hold, in some of our hands..., daily is merely a note of tender that is like a weird bartering system. We barter our time in our daily lives spent at mindless jobs for these notes of tender. We then turn around and places these bills,.. in the hands of others, bill collectors and businesses we shop at,  in their possession in trade of product. The value of these bills is invested in the up or down turn of the petroleum market... which at this moment is being phased out of the majority strangle hold it has had on the world's economy since just after the industrial revolution. WOW... that all seems more like a scam everyday ... right? 

Well, right now the economy s under distress and needs our, citizens of the USA help, We need to change of the next several years, the way we operate and more importantly spend these notes of purchase/tender. Well... the senators and representatives we have elected into office are faced with an overwhelming decision to pass a 800 Billion dollar bill to invest our money back into our economy. This bill will, in a very brief summation, give us back the freedom and independence we once shared as the most revolutionary state in the free world. We haven't they passed it? Lobbyist, the fear that it might not be popular and therefore make them unelectable the next term, further push the economy into the hole, or...? The reality is that no one truly knows what will happen and one thing is for sure... that no one knows anything. I'm so surprised that experts are really not the absolute know-everything in their subject areas. At best we should really call them "know-alots-but-not-absolutely-sure-perts." 
So, lets put pressure on the people that represent us and make them pass the bill and amend the areas of that need fixing through out the process and stop making us wait for some cure all answer that might not come in time. the reality is that for every moment we wait the amount of debt that every American holds expands by like dollars. this amount most likely is beyond the amount that typically each of us earn per hour. Support your new president and help yourself, because no matter what you do... what your profession is, investments you've made, your wealth... this down turn will affect everyone. 

Please push the bill!!!!

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