Friday, January 02, 2009

The Dreamer

"The Dreamer"
by Jarritt Sheel 

I have a dream
The dream that only a dreamer can dream
A dream of a revolution
I dream of a revolution that tears asunder
The bonds that bind our hands and feet

These bonds have dug in and cut deep
Deep into the meat of the matter
The perpetrator takes out gun and splatters
Gray matter on wall
Of those standing up to stand against all wrong

The prepetrator
Whips and beats
Making us contort and eat 
Humble pie
Denying us life and what comes with it
HE covers mine eyes
Then trys to hide the horrors performed on us
Presenting one hand to deceive and the other one to trick
Not treat
Putting up fences
That seperate me from you.

The revolution
That was televised and has been in reruns for 30 years
That revolves, evolves, and progresses
The idea of being people
Shout, scream, pout, taut, cry
Stand up..... getting outta my chair
Stand up and say something, something...
Do more than dream
Lead, fight for rights, and do right
By every human.

This is more than a mere dream
I live in realistic reality
Knowing that life is but a mirror of your inner being
What we dream inside comes out
No longer is it filmed in black and white
Now... filmed in color
Giving us the full spectrum of what we are
What we can be
We can even go back and change what was written about the past and put it in

I dream in color most nights
Even when I think of the fights
For my rights and yours
Knowing that knowing wasn't enough
Grade school bullies still get away with murder

But now the dream is real
We take two steps forward and none back
There is no more get out of jail free card for the elite
We are all fucked...
Because a shrub smaller than a tree decided for me

But there is light at the end of the tunnel
It is faith... not in one man
The faith I have is in God 
The faith that God has given us inner beauty
Each one of us knows right from wrong
Bad from Good

Now it is our time to live out those dreams
Making dreams into reality
And to make reality live like it were a dream
Stand up and shout
Continue to fight for our rights
And the dream

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