Saturday, January 10, 2009

Government Bail-Out of the Economy


I never thought I would live to see another great recession which may or may not lead to another depression in the economy of the United States of America. I also thought I might not live to see person of mixed heritage, yes he is African (Kenyan) and Caucasian, become the 44th president of the U.S. of A., but it happened! The world is this very unpredictable place and who knows what can happen at any given time or place.  

What is money? The money we hold, in some of our hands..., daily is merely a note of tender that is like a weird bartering system. We barter our time in our daily lives spent at mindless jobs for these notes of tender. We then turn around and places these bills,.. in the hands of others, bill collectors and businesses we shop at,  in their possession in trade of product. The value of these bills is invested in the up or down turn of the petroleum market... which at this moment is being phased out of the majority strangle hold it has had on the world's economy since just after the industrial revolution. WOW... that all seems more like a scam everyday ... right? 

Well, right now the economy s under distress and needs our, citizens of the USA help, We need to change of the next several years, the way we operate and more importantly spend these notes of purchase/tender. Well... the senators and representatives we have elected into office are faced with an overwhelming decision to pass a 800 Billion dollar bill to invest our money back into our economy. This bill will, in a very brief summation, give us back the freedom and independence we once shared as the most revolutionary state in the free world. We haven't they passed it? Lobbyist, the fear that it might not be popular and therefore make them unelectable the next term, further push the economy into the hole, or...? The reality is that no one truly knows what will happen and one thing is for sure... that no one knows anything. I'm so surprised that experts are really not the absolute know-everything in their subject areas. At best we should really call them "know-alots-but-not-absolutely-sure-perts." 
So, lets put pressure on the people that represent us and make them pass the bill and amend the areas of that need fixing through out the process and stop making us wait for some cure all answer that might not come in time. the reality is that for every moment we wait the amount of debt that every American holds expands by like dollars. this amount most likely is beyond the amount that typically each of us earn per hour. Support your new president and help yourself, because no matter what you do... what your profession is, investments you've made, your wealth... this down turn will affect everyone. 

Please push the bill!!!!

Friday, January 02, 2009

The Dreamer

"The Dreamer"
by Jarritt Sheel 

I have a dream
The dream that only a dreamer can dream
A dream of a revolution
I dream of a revolution that tears asunder
The bonds that bind our hands and feet

These bonds have dug in and cut deep
Deep into the meat of the matter
The perpetrator takes out gun and splatters
Gray matter on wall
Of those standing up to stand against all wrong

The prepetrator
Whips and beats
Making us contort and eat 
Humble pie
Denying us life and what comes with it
HE covers mine eyes
Then trys to hide the horrors performed on us
Presenting one hand to deceive and the other one to trick
Not treat
Putting up fences
That seperate me from you.

The revolution
That was televised and has been in reruns for 30 years
That revolves, evolves, and progresses
The idea of being people
Shout, scream, pout, taut, cry
Stand up..... getting outta my chair
Stand up and say something, something...
Do more than dream
Lead, fight for rights, and do right
By every human.

This is more than a mere dream
I live in realistic reality
Knowing that life is but a mirror of your inner being
What we dream inside comes out
No longer is it filmed in black and white
Now... filmed in color
Giving us the full spectrum of what we are
What we can be
We can even go back and change what was written about the past and put it in

I dream in color most nights
Even when I think of the fights
For my rights and yours
Knowing that knowing wasn't enough
Grade school bullies still get away with murder

But now the dream is real
We take two steps forward and none back
There is no more get out of jail free card for the elite
We are all fucked...
Because a shrub smaller than a tree decided for me

But there is light at the end of the tunnel
It is faith... not in one man
The faith I have is in God 
The faith that God has given us inner beauty
Each one of us knows right from wrong
Bad from Good

Now it is our time to live out those dreams
Making dreams into reality
And to make reality live like it were a dream
Stand up and shout
Continue to fight for our rights
And the dream

Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Politics of Hip Hop Movement: How Barck Obama's election to the highest political post on earth is the direct reflection of the music

Hip Hop:
Etymology: perhaps from 4hip + 1hop
Date: 1982
1: a subculture especially of inner-city youths who are typically devotees of rap music
2: the stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rap ; also : rap together with this music— hip–hop adjective

America is a beautiful shining beacon in the political landscape we call the World. Ever since 1776, we have been a land of opportunity and change. Rebels,... from the start and the epicenter of the greatest example of democracy ever perpetrated in the last 300 years of human existence. AMERICA.. the land of the free and the home of the brave. 305 Million people from different places around the world. Who would've thought that one day in the history of mankind... people would decided to live together in harmony. Now it ain't pretty all the tine nor is it perfect, but freedom and the ability to share with others of backgrounds different than yours... could only be described as a dream over 400 years ago. 

Like many other countries we are home to many folk music, and some of the most loved in all the world. Blue Grass, Country, Rock & Roll, Blues, Jazz, and most recently Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop is not just a genre of popular American music, but a form of folk music that speaks to the American experience. Like all folk music, there is usually a message wrapped inside every song. It matters not how deep the message is, but it matters that the speaker has the opportunity to say it. Hip-Hop , like Jazz, Funk, Rock & Roll has its own culture. 

"Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."[3] As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, games, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art."  

Culture is made up of 5 different elements which are; Dance, Politics, Clothing, Music, and Art. Culture and the combining of the various elements contained in American society is beautiful. America, the melting pot of culture and social norms. America, which saw the beginning of integration on a mass level and the place where all the racial intolerance's have to be destroyed. The history of this music comes from parties and social gatherings in the Bronx area of New York City. This is where the community would get together on weekends or evenings and celebrate with a dee jay who would spin hits and pop favorites. The later development would be a rap element to the hip and hop of the beat. Later the technique of the turntablist would develop into a virtuoso level and become Scratching. After almost 40 years of existence Hip-Hop has still retained some of its original sting and pop. this music still has artist that make it there point to create danceable hits and while doing that remain a tool of the people and speak out about various injustices. Even though, this is not the popular sentiment among artist there are still many that hold the torch of individuality/rebellion that was present in Hip-Hop from the very beginning. 

Hip-Hopcracy, .... is the politic commentary and movement that is part of the hip-hop culture specifically.  Political commentary about the hip hop generation and its affect on the American political system is a hot topic these days. People are starting to realize that the music and culture is something that is shared among more than African-American audiences. This is the first music to has its beginning exposed to global audiences via TV and Internet. The audience encompasses such a huge variety of racial & cultural background, and sexual preferences. Hip-Hop is everyone and has a type or brand that fits you. It is one if the only forms of music that does not need to be fused with others in order to have elements of some many other forms. The foundation of Hip-Hop is the Sample, so... you can have anything present in a track just as long as it is hot. The politics of Hip-Hop are all about the youth movement in America. Political change or unrest typically comes from the youth movement just like Hip-Hop... is a youthful culture. You can see it in the fact that most hip-hop artist are under the age of 30 years old and their fame usually fades after the age of 35. Many artist find it hard to stay new and different, but this art form is about Change and being revolutionary. It is about technological advances i.e. turntables, pro tools, sampling, beat machines, etc. 

Enter the 2008 presidential election where John McCain and Barack Obama were the republican and democratic nominees. From the beginning many knew that John McCain represented the Old Gard and Barack Obama represented, even though he is 47 years old, the state of the art and revolutionary change that must take place in America. The change that is needed for this country to survive in this new era of human existence. That is where the Hip- Hop political movement comes in.  Youth, the young, the young people of America finally took a hold of the changes that happen in America. They stood up and instead of fighting the bureaucracy that is government, they became united and used it to their advantage. This is what Hip-Hop is all about. This music, we call Hip-Hop, like all other folk musics is about telling a story of the people. This folk story finally came to a head and we finally decided out of despearation,.. to do something about. This time we all decided to... face the music and stand up and vote our conscience. 

This is the beginning of how Hip-Hop music changed the political climate of the world! Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Hip-Hopcracy...!!!!