Monday, September 29, 2008

Sarah Palin ... interview w/ Katie Couric

I am thoroughly amazed at the way the media has been able to besway the American public to look at the presidential candidates. It has been a seriously long time since I have trully followed the elections and considered myself a part of the election process. Now,... don't get me wrong... I've voted in the last couple of elections, but have been totally disgusted at how things are going in the american government. I am however an optimist and not a debbie downer. I believe that we can overcome all the financial obstacles we face in the coming months and years, but it will take a strong leader and a even stronger group of American citizens to come through it all in the end.

Speaking of strong leaders,... Sarah Palin is not ready to be the next president of this great nation. She may have spent a few years in the executive office of the oil giant (that point I will get back to later), Alaska , but that does not make her fit to lead this troubled country into a new era. I say that, because john McCain will be in his 80's if he wins and seeks another term. This is a startling thought to realize that sarah Palin will be in control of this great nation without a broad sense, forget experience, of the reality of the world. The next leader doesn't have to be the greatest of all time but he or she needs to be needs to have a global economic & political knowledge base. They need to be able to research and make decisions for this country based upon what is good for the people in the long run and the short term all at the same time. We face a economic down turn like this country hasn't seen in almost 100 years. If you get a chance please go check out the Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric, that in itself is evidence enough to say "Stop the madness... let me off this bitch."

The latest interview that Plain gave was a gleaming shining beacon to all that are undecided about who to vote for. Now, I'm not a sexiest or racially prejudice in anyway. But, I must say we can not elect this dumb ass woman into office. She may be intelligent, but for Christ sake we can not elect someone whose total knowledge base about other countries is from reading books. I think that travel, or being a well traveled person is a necessary part of being the ruler/ president of the greatest country in the world. We have done the China... style of diplomacy in the last 8 years, by closing our political boards, but opening our financial ones to outsiders to make our country about business and less about the people. We have succeed in making America into a comglomerate ,... just busting at the seams to be broken up into several smaller businesses to make money. The only problem with that is we are a COUNTRY and not a BUSINESS Mr. Bush.

So, please check out this blathering idiots interview with Katie Couric, because I think you'll truly get a hillarious kick out of it. Oohhhh... and make after taht you should check out the SNL spoof of the interview. Check you later...

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