Sunday, February 19, 2012


The last couple of years I've been faced with over a over again with the fact that those people you sometimes honor the most, or admire a lot will probably not be there with you at the end of your journey to enjoy it with you. Many times we think that only pertains to older family members, but many times it really pertains to the great friends you made along the way. It's not about being on your side or a true friend, but it's about were in the story line of your life they belong or vica versa. I see life as a great play (comedy, drama, action) in which you are the lead character, and everyone else is a character actor, and if they are lucky...maybe a co-star.

A great preacher said the other day that the plan God has for your life, if you follow the path and many times just let life happen, is far better than the best dream we can ever have for our life. So, ... what does that mean? That the greatness that is meant for you is directly tied into your connection with your family, and more importantly God.

This used to make me sad sometimes, (losing strong friendships) but after I realized that holding onto the past and humans can hold me back from getting the glory and blessings that God Almighty has ordained for my life. Get this....(lol) I don't halfway know what that this yet,... BUT ... I'm excited about the ever increasing gains that are being made in my life. Does that make me and others at odds? NO! What is meant for my life isn't in no way restricted by or directly connected to any one else.

Friends will truly come and ago, BUT the love of God will abide forever and ever, AMEN!

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