Sunday, April 10, 2011

"You have to be willing to risk it all to discover something new."

"You have to be willing to risk it all to discover something new."
(Thank you, Mr. Nicholas Payton for posting this very eloquent statement in your FB status)

This is my response to soo eloquent a statement as the one placed the other day in Mr. Nicholas Payton's FB status. I've been in the midst of challenging my every thought, artistically and philosophically for the last 12 months. Risk can be dangerously delightful or seriously tragic in its results, but if you are a reader of the philosophers Cornell West,  Socrates, or even Aristotle... you must be willing to risk it all to achieve not only greatness ...but rather your destiny.

What are somethings you deal with daily that are risky...: marriage, leaving your home, cooking, conversation, standing under a tree, driving, eating other people's food. LOL, these things I mentioned can all end up being dangerous or even fatal to you. So... with saying this... I would advise you to not fall prey to those fear mongers that will try to peddle you the daily dose of stress and apprehension. They are only here to benefit from your fear and lack of ability to assert yourself, because ... while you sleep on opportunity they rival in it. Take a chance this day and every other one... to make yourself happy by doing something that you really want, even if you are fearful. Conquer your fear and step into the light.

Your light, maybe light... but like a candle or the flame of a torch... if you fan it and give it air and material to burn.. it will grow wild and sometimes out of control.. which we all have to check our egos every once and awhile. This light I speak of is... what you really are. Perception and the pseudo-reality that people will try to sell you on,.. will at times sound right. "This and only this is the truth, this flesh and blood is all that we are.." please do not pay attention to this. Let your light shine, and grow to unimaginable levels. Fan the flame that is your soul, by extinguishing the all consuming flame of fear.

Do something new... today and for the rest of your life. So says ... Jarritt Sheel.


Jarritt A. Sheel 

Posted via email from jsheelmusic's posterous

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