Friday, July 09, 2010



I was sitting here thinking about what is "DESTINY" and what is its relevance in our lives? According to the dictionary on my mac.... 

destiny |ˈdestinē|
noun ( pl. -nies)the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future she was unable to control her own destiny.• the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate he believes in destiny.ORIGIN Middle English from Old French destinee, from Latin destinatafeminine past participle of destinare ‘make firm,establish.’Do you believe that there is a hidden agenda in your life, and if so... do you know what it is? I've been thinking about this the last couple of days. I have not been wrestling with what is my destiny... by far I truly believe that I've been walking in mine for sometime. BUT.. like most people I was on autopilot for several years. It really took finding the woman of my dreams and seeing one of my best friends living out his dreams to really wake the F... up and do me. I know that many people confuse what Destiny & Karma are vs. what Destiny & God's Plan is. I think it is really the clear cut issue of people confusing secular thought with religious/spiritual thinking. When I say Religious/Spiritual Thought... I mean philosophical pondering instead of the dogmatic approach that many think when those words are put in combination. Those of you who know me... WELL, realize that my belief system is centered around my devout belief and faith in God. So.... I have always believed that my "Destiny" is innately and inextricably tied to not only the choices I make daily but more importantly to the plans that God has for me. For me that is destiny.. picking up the mantle that God has given you. I think the hardest thing isn't realizing what your destiny... its being strong enough to rise to the occasion and "make it so" as Captain Jean-Luc Picard would same to his number one on Star Trek: Next Generation."This hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future" is God, and the choices that we make individually. "The choice is yours" - Black Sheep, and that is the great thing about life. Life...It ain't for the faint of heart, but well worth all of the trails and triumphs that you encounter along the way. Face your destiny each and every morning with open arms!  

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