Monday, February 04, 2008

History of African-American Torture


Anonymous said...

Calling all Rattlers. The Set is now open. We are waiting for you!

Anonymous said...

nigga L

Anonymous said...


mz.baddest said...

That ain't rtie he was only thirteen I mean all that wasn't even call for what harm did he do to that white lady I mean all that hate nd now u can't keep white people from us they listen to our music nd dress like us taking our man nd do wat we do I just can't believe nd I hope the people who did it burn in hell ne espically the dam white lady

Anonymous said...

he was fourteen and i didnt know that african americans got treated that horribly.ive seen pic and read stories but ive never seen pics like that. WOW! I in total shock right now.

Anonymous said...

White people were always some bitches and always will be

Anonymous said...

black people were always some bitches and always will be

Anonymous said...

Wow... I am really amazed. Even though I am white I think that is just terrible. I wish people would forget about differences and see that everyone is equal.

Anonymous said...

Even though you're white? Shouldn't we all think this is disgustingly awful, no matter what race we are? Damn. Yeah we all should be equal, and we also shouldn't think it's normal to only sympathize with those of our own race.

Anonymous said...

Even though this story happened in the 50's, it is incredibly sad... as is any hate crime to any human being, this just being especially gruesome and sad that it was a child who suffered at the fate of an ignorant hate crime and these men were never put to justice. I am incredibly sickened at the fact that any human being would think it ok to hurt anyone in any kind of way because of their ignorant narrowminded way of thinking. I am glad to see that this world is changing... though it still has a long way- all we can do is continue to push forward and realize that everyone is equal. It is also my hope that other ethnic communities do not hate all of us that are caucasion- we do not all think this way nor would we ever support this kind of behavior.

Unknown said...

i just showed my nine year old the pic and explained the story to him and he was like omg!!! mom all he did was whistle @ a woman of another race!!! i had to show him to let him no that the world has changed alot since then and i also let him no to not be discouraged because there are people that r still out that, that think the same way 2day but they're laws that protect us due to the hard work and dedication of many blacks and whites that stood up for wat they beleive in so i told him to remember to alwys stand up and fight for wat u beleive in because closed mouths don't get heard and i love u now go to bed!!!