Saturday, September 22, 2007

Some may understand where other's fail to comprehend

Some may understand where other's fail to comprehend,

Writing, whether it is for money, cathartic purposes, academic, or artistic, is a serious endeavor. I take picking up the pen to slice a piece of reality right off of the beast and mix it on a palette along with my own personal opinion to create my written prose a daunting task everytime, and only because I never want to fake the funk on something that has helped me avoid therapy, and psychoanalysis. I mean,...don't get me wrong I got plenty of shit wrong with me, but I unlike many have searched me whole life for places and ways of venting(purposefully) and working things out therapuetically. So,....I take this a little serious. Art is that lick and if you can't understand that... I love it... is that better?

I started with the writen words about 16 years ago in the hallways of my high school. I wrote my first poem for the then .... one day far in the future Mrs. Sheel Tiffany Michelle Wilson. I can't even remember what the poem was and if I still have it. Ain't it funny how something so personal can be so casual to give away for some. Since then I have written for my college newspaper, done some great research papers, many, many open mics (poetry), short stories gallor, notebooks full of my poetry, and as of late writing music reviews and commentary. This is what I am ART.

I find it humorous that I can take refuge in so many of the ARTs. As of late I've started to get into using the medium of the photo as another way to comment of the world. I see it as telling a story with just one look. A snap shot of what reality is. This summer I took over 400 pictures of chicago festivals, friends, gatherings, and things...! The world is so beautiful, dangerous, and serene all at the same time. It is like a woman. Every woman contains all those parts within there psyche, personality, or being... whichever you want to accept. You can take a picture of someone and get right down to their soul. All it takes is a roll or two of film and the right direction to make them expose the real "them." This makes Photography a very tricky thing, treacherous thing, but also something that you can recieve such bliss and admiration from all at the same time. From just one click of the button that causes the actuation of the shutter mechanism. Viola!

Now... Hip-Hop has always been in my blood since "Beat Street", and Run DMC Addidas'. I love the culture and all things Hip-Hop, because this is the latest and maybe greatest form of American folk music. The funny thing about it is that like jazz,....which most musicians don't like to compare it too, has been turned on, and turned a death ear by the same exact people that created it. Ain't that something...? Yet it still remains one of the only ways a certain demographic of the American populus can have their feelings heard. It is the Ghetto tragedies that unfold from these words and beats, and the people in Miami, Florida all the way to Juno, Alaska that comprehend that makes it all good for me.

Last but not least.....
My music is something that has been eluding me the whole entire time that I've been on this quest for ... it! Do you know why? I've been searching in places that I would never really be. I looked in Classical, next Soul, then Commerical, Hip Hop, Gospel, and then unto Funk, and Jazz. It is funny that In all those places, singularly none of them could hold me steady, but all together messed up and mixed together is where you will find me.. ME! I'm the whole of my parts, and seperately a mess without my individual elements.

What does this mean? This means everything and nothing at all. In the words of a 70's soul song.."Everything... is goin be all right." I can overly analyze everything to be of some significance to my life and therefore .. super important, but I would be enundated with too much info. I perfer to be simple and take life as it comes. My writing, music, and photography are nothing more or less than one single thing... MY ART! I find my voice by finding me, and everytime I pick up the mic, write a page such as this one, or flash click with my camera... I'm finding exactly where, and who I am. A collection of some really great things!


(Signature here)
Jarritt A. Sheel

Thursday, July 12, 2007

With out you I'm a force, but with you I'm a movement....

Taste of Chicago 2007

International Players Ball

I recently got the new U.G.K. single entitled International Players Anthem. I must say that incorporating Outkast, one of the most sought after groups, was genius. The production was a mixer of old school Pre-Motown sounds along with 1999 ATL. Something that accentuates the style of Bun B and Pimp C, while still giving Andre 3000 & Big Boi a challenge.

The main idea of the song along with the production value of the video both work together well to tell the story of a man that has picked her. Her being the only woman that has ever really peaked "his" interest and apparent love. So, much so that he has text messaged ever philly he has ever laid it down with. The story line ... isn't original, but the flow of Outkast and U.G.K. togehter make it fresh in our minds. Go check this single out if... you haven't been infected by it all ready. It is a throwback to the days when the track and the flow were both dope... "Cooler than a pair of polar bear's toe nails."

Thursday, May 10, 2007

We are all ...that....we got!

Make it or Die!!! LOL....just joking, but we are trying to make everything happen!
(L-R) Jason Marshall, Jarritt Sheel, Rashad(& lil girl), Saunders Sermons, Willerm Delisfort.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A wonderful year

I was just sitting here in the computer lab in the Music Building at the school of Music at Northern Illinois University. Almost a year ago I was in Fort Lauderdale, FL working like 3 jobs to support myself and countless others just to keep from going insane....Music! Here I am finishing a pretty prosperous first year in grad school.

I look back at this first year as a trial of my strength.....mentally and physically. I have met so many people in the last 5 months than I think ever in my musical life thus far. Nick Payton, Roy Hargrove, Antonio Hart, John Clayton, Montez Coleman, Marcus Strickland, Ira Sullivan, Wynton Marsalis, Ted Nash, Chris Potter, Brian Blade, Terell Stafford, Matt Wilson, Tim Warfield, Jiggs Wigham, David Sanchez, Corey Wilkes, Maurice Brown, and all the wonderful and very talented musicians that live in the Chicago area. I am also I got tyo play with such a great band in the NIU Jazz Ensemble under the driection of Ron Carter. It was hard and awe inspiring all at the same time. Thank God for all these magnificient musicians and entertainers. Thanks again...Vince Gardner, Diron Holloway for your support in my making this choice to further my education here at NIU. Thanks to my family too...for being there and loving the hell outta me. Love you guys!

I have grown soo these past few months. This is something that I hope everyone can hear in my playing and also in my speech and demeanor. Life is great .... it is hard because it is soo dig? You are offered all these different opportunities, and choices to the point that you can get all screwed up. The choice is what makes it hard for soo many people. That ...i think were in lines the challenge itself. I accept it and relish the fact that everyday you get something new front of you.

I look forward to a great summer here in Chicago, Dekalb, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and New York. I can't wait to see my family in a couple of weeks and the OCEAN......Yes!!! So...keep tuned in for the next set of adventures from your boy Jarritt A. Sheel. You know that summer is full of surprises... ONE!