Thursday, December 07, 2006


This is something that I have to get off of my chest. We as humans must get better at communicating ....communication seems to be the biggest obstacle in the overall evolution as people that each one fo us face daily! Talking....something as simple as speaking your mind, articulating what you are thinking to another human! Women are very different than men in so many ways other than the apparent physical differences. We, act, talk, think, dream, sing, romance about things the same yet different. This is very apparent in male and female literature, we even write differently! LOL!

The reason that I am writing this article is too speak on the fact that women think alot differently about relationships than men. The fact that a man can even be in a relationship minus knowing about it is hillarious to me. It is a concept that is so foreign to me, the fact that a woman has a vision or dillusion that we are in a intimate relationship w/out even telling me......I guess that they are poor telepaths....LOL! We are suppose to read their minds and figure out what they are thinking. Men on the other hand are just as jacked up and disfunctional. The difference being ....that we are usually seen as more emotionally digg? Perfect example.....this woman comes over to your house....late and she wants to talk....halfway thru the conversation she starts to cry and .....she lloks and wonders why you are not flinching a apologize with all sincerity and tell her that you hope that she feels better about the situation. You evern go as far to tell her that I at least I would like to be her friend....! What is the fact that we had two different conversations. SHe heard and saw that you were insensitive due to the fac that you didn't cry along with her.....cold hearted bastard you.....! This is a dramedy...drama comedy...LOL!

The humor in all this is the only thing holding us back from better understanding is....words....combinations of words....! I have finally come to that point were I have the whole ....I get it ,but just because you are sad or depressed I am not going to be....! I feel for you like Chaka Khan said....but I am not a follower! You can jump off of the bridge,but unless I am emotionally drawn to the flame of our torrid romance that I didn't know we were having then.....hey you better understand that your highs are not my highs and your lows aren't either.

I think that after a certain time in most adults life they start limiting the amount of unimportant things that bugg them. Like I grew up in a family full of women....mother, aunt, grandmother, female cousins, grand aunts, etc....they all cried...some more than others,but they all cried! I am n longer moved byt the tears of a human.....well not those alligator tears of most women! Children, people who have lost another, parents, and the injuried/hurt/sick/infirmed. Other then those people....NOPE!

What should we do as people to understand each other....I guess Listen better! Or We will be out in the cold!

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