Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chicago...ahh....I mean Dekalb!

Going back to Chicago...! I will be returning on Sunday August 20th, 2006!
Hey you'll, I've been in south florida for a better part of 2 & 1/2 weeks. It has been great seeing family and talking to friends. I will miss them all so much, but it is time to pack up again to and return to the constant grind of graduate school! Graduate school is a beast, but one I can conquer!
Fort Lauderdale, FL
The weather has been seasonal,.......meaning that I all ready knew this time of year has unbearable heat. LOL! I knew that, so, I wasn't surprised when we landed and I was sweating my ass off! I liked it actually...a little bit,....I was home!
Chicago...ahh....I mean Dekalb!
I can't wait to be back in....graduate school, not dekalb though...LOL! It is a kool little city, but I never want to get settled like I think I was in Tallahassee, FL. It is cool being around young people like myself, but I need to stay focused on my goal of becoming a great musician/teacher. I am going to take this year to polish whatever talent I have and learn as much about myself, my music, and the industry as I can! Please believe..... that j-boogie will be in the studio sometime this year and watch out for your boi's production skills...WATCH OUT! O'Hare
I know it will all be kool, and they are waiting for me at Band Camp....LOL! Holler at you later....and best to believe that there will be many more episodes of the Madd Rapper....To be continued!
(Signature here)
Jarritt Sheel aka "The Madd Rapper"
President, CEO, Founder

Friday, August 11, 2006

Yeah...! Two down(AA)...none up! LOL

I got 2 A's...enough said!
Hey God makes all things posible...!
What is amazing is that I wrote this all over again. I was typing this earlier and the power went out....south hot and everybodies got their AC on blast. I thought that my adoring audience would love to hear my tales of acadmeic glory....right...! It is more about the fact that I am so happy about getting the grades more so than wanting to tell everybody about it! I am here ,...a standing tesstimony that God is good and gracious. I worked hard for these grades,but the Lord really looked out for me! Big up to the Father!

God is Good!
This school thing,...graduate school to be exact is wonderful and full of different types and shapes. It excites me to know that no one is similar, and that everyone is on some other stuff! Music gradaute school exposes your deficiencies though and I have a lot of hardwork to accomplish in order to make it here! I will remember that in the coming months. Teaching is the junk.....!

This is the shout out section...
Thanks for being the people in my corner 24/7; Ma-Pamela Smith, Grandma-Mary Elizabeth Smith, Aunt Sophie-Sophia Smith
God the most high, ruler of the universe, infinite....tomuch to write on this internet, and not forget my friends to held me down all this time; Derrick Jackson, Sam Rowley,Avery Kenly, Akil Mason, Mike Randle, Edmond Randle, Marques Adams, Diron Holloway, Edward Williams III, Sajata Latten, Aisha Ducksworth thanks again...

I will return after this haitus in south about two weeks....stay posted for pictures and posts!

(signature here)
Jarritt A. Sheel
CEO, President, and Founder