Friday, March 13, 2009

Ode to Antonia...

I just wanted to send you this message today. I wanted to take time and draw this elaborate picture of who you are to me and how I feel. I thought and thought and thought about the best words and phrases that would make you smile. I pondered about the affect my selection and order of these words would affect the total outcome of this email. I then thought back about first time I ever sent you a message on facebook. I thought how I was so relaxed and casual about leaving a poke or message for someone that would one day become so important in my life. Someone whom I could build life with and around. Someone I could have children with and grow old.

I then threw all that conjecture and mulled ideas away and just thought from the heart. I could only come up with one phrase that would sum up how I feel in a succinct way. "I LOVE YOU." I really and truly do love you in a unequivocal way. With out doubt... no second thought or worries. I only carry with me the thoughts that I want to make you happier than you've ever been. I want to treat you better than better, and better than best. "I LOVE YOU" is the only phrase that give life to the air I breath and spring in my step. It is a freeing moment... something that only comes around when you speak it into existence. You are the epitome of beauty and elegance. You radiate charm, class and intelligence. You are the woman that men only dream about and wish upon a star for. You are my one true "LOVE."

I leave you with this poem I wrote... over two years ago after poking you...

POEM by Jarritt Sheel

"This day and Time
Tippy toeing down the stairs
SHE began to realize
The world was a bigger place
It wasn't small as a bread box nor big as the universe
But big all the same
SHE stared in the mirror
And peered into HER own eyes
Pupils widening with transfixed glare
Listening to a kettle boiling over

SHE turns HER attention to the willows outside of HER window
Contemplating opening the glass SHE is looking thru
Hooked in place SHE is
Like a 160 pound marlin off the coast of New Guinea
The rhythm of the weeds is reeling HER in
The thicket waves to HER
Mocking HER
The sound of waves crashing invites HER in
Mesmerizing HER and hypnotically putting HER in a trance
SHE finally wakes up
Standing on the edge of reality and allusion
One foot here and one foot there
SHE steps forward into the light

SHE blinks and blinks
Blinks, blinks, blinks, blinks...
And then carefully widens here glance to see the beach
Waters sparkling and salty smells of brine and fresh air swirling all around
Delighting HER nose
Sunshine beaming down on HER
At that very moment SHE realizes that the WORLD was a bigger place than she once believed
It is bigger than a bread box and smaller than the universe
SHE is okay with that"

Alyssa Marie Aviles Photo Shoot 2009